34 research outputs found

    A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software

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    We show that abstract interpretation-based static program analysis can be made efficient and precise enough to formally verify a class of properties for a family of large programs with few or no false alarms. This is achieved by refinement of a general purpose static analyzer and later adaptation to particular programs of the family by the end-user through parametrization. This is applied to the proof of soundness of data manipulation operations at the machine level for periodic synchronous safety critical embedded software. The main novelties are the design principle of static analyzers by refinement and adaptation through parametrization, the symbolic manipulation of expressions to improve the precision of abstract transfer functions, the octagon, ellipsoid, and decision tree abstract domains, all with sound handling of rounding errors in floating point computations, widening strategies (with thresholds, delayed) and the automatic determination of the parameters (parametrized packing)

    A model of guarded recursion with clock synchronisation

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    AbstractGuarded recursion is an approach to solving recursive type equations where the type variable appears guarded by a modality to be thought of as a delay for one time step. Atkey and McBride proposed a calculus in which guarded recursion can be used when programming with coinductive data, allowing productivity to be captured in types. The calculus uses clocks representing time streams and clock quantifiers which allow limited and controlled elimination of modalities. The calculus has since been extended to dependent types by Møgelberg. Both works give denotational semantics but no rewrite semantics.In previous versions of this calculus, different clocks represented separate time streams and clock synchronisation was prohibited. In this paper we show that allowing clock synchronisation is safe by constructing a new model of guarded recursion and clocks. This result will greatly simplify the type theory by removing freshness restrictions from typing rules, and is a necessary step towards defining rewrite semantics, and ultimately implementing the calculus

    Step-Indexed Normalization for a Language with General Recursion

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    The Trellys project has produced several designs for practical dependently typed languages. These languages are broken into two fragments-a_logical_fragment where every term normalizes and which is consistent when interpreted as a logic, and a_programmatic_fragment with general recursion and other convenient but unsound features. In this paper, we present a small example language in this style. Our design allows the programmer to explicitly mention and pass information between the two fragments. We show that this feature substantially complicates the metatheory and present a new technique, combining the traditional Girard-Tait method with step-indexed logical relations, which we use to show normalization for the logical fragment.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240

    Generating Bijections between HOAS and the Natural Numbers

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    A provably correct bijection between higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) and the natural numbers enables one to define a "not equals" relationship between terms and also to have an adequate encoding of sets of terms, and maps from one term family to another. Sets and maps are useful in many situations and are preferably provided in a library of some sort. I have released a map and set library for use with Twelf which can be used with any type for which a bijection to the natural numbers exists. Since creating such bijections is tedious and error-prone, I have created a "bijection generator" that generates such bijections automatically together with proofs of correctness, all in the context of Twelf.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2010, arXiv:1009.218

    Formal Component-Based Semantics

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    One of the proposed solutions for improving the scalability of semantics of programming languages is Component-Based Semantics, introduced by Peter D. Mosses. It is expected that this framework can also be used effectively for modular meta theoretic reasoning. This paper presents a formalization of Component-Based Semantics in the theorem prover Coq. It is based on Modular SOS, a variant of SOS, and makes essential use of dependent types, while profiting from type classes. This formalization constitutes a contribution towards modular meta theoretic formalizations in theorem provers. As a small example, a modular proof of determinism of a mini-language is developed.Comment: In Proceedings SOS 2011, arXiv:1108.279

    Towards Merging PlatΩ and PGIP

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    AbstractThe PGIP protocol is a standard, abstract interface protocol to connect theorem provers with user interfaces. Interaction in PGIP is based on ASCII-text input and a single focus point-of-control, which indicates a linear position in the input that has been checked thus far. This fits many interactive theorem provers whose interaction model stems from command-line interpreters. PlatΩ, on the other hand, is a system with a new protocol tailored to transparently integrate theorem provers into text editors like that support semi-structured XML input files and multiple foci of attention. In this paper we extend the PGIP protocol and middleware broker to support the functionalities provided by PlatΩ and beyond. More specifically, we extend PGIP (i) to support multiple foci in provers; (ii) to display semi-structured documents; (iii) to combine prover updates with user edits; (iv) to support context-sensitive service menus, and (v) to allow multiple displays. As well as supporting , the extended PGIP protocol in principle can support other editors such as OpenOffice, Word 2007 and graph viewers; we hope it will also provide guidance for extending provers to handle multiple foci

    A Machine Checked Model of Idempotent MGU Axioms For Lists of Equational Constraints

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    We present formalized proofs verifying that the first-order unification algorithm defined over lists of satisfiable constraints generates a most general unifier (MGU), which also happens to be idempotent. All of our proofs have been formalized in the Coq theorem prover. Our proofs show that finite maps produced by the unification algorithm provide a model of the axioms characterizing idempotent MGUs of lists of constraints. The axioms that serve as the basis for our verification are derived from a standard set by extending them to lists of constraints. For us, constraints are equalities between terms in the language of simple types. Substitutions are formally modeled as finite maps using the Coq library Coq.FSets.FMapInterface. Coq's method of functional induction is the main proof technique used in proving many of the axioms.Comment: In Proceedings UNIF 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Applying SMT Solvers to the Test Template Framework

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    The Test Template Framework (TTF) is a model-based testing method for the Z notation. In the TTF, test cases are generated from test specifications, which are predicates written in Z. In turn, the Z notation is based on first-order logic with equality and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. In this way, a test case is a witness satisfying a formula in that theory. Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers are software tools that decide the satisfiability of arbitrary formulas in a large number of built-in logical theories and their combination. In this paper, we present the first results of applying two SMT solvers, Yices and CVC3, as the engines to find test cases from TTF's test specifications. In doing so, shallow embeddings of a significant portion of the Z notation into the input languages of Yices and CVC3 are provided, given that they do not directly support Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory as defined in Z. Finally, the results of applying these embeddings to a number of test specifications of eight cases studies are analysed.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2012, arXiv:1202.582

    A coinductive semantics of the Unlimited Register Machine

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    We exploit (co)inductive specifications and proofs to approach the evaluation of low-level programs for the Unlimited Register Machine (URM) within the Coq system, a proof assistant based on the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions type theory. Our formalization allows us to certify the implementation of partial functions, thus it can be regarded as a first step towards the development of a workbench for the formal analysis and verification of both converging and diverging computations